Saturday, June 6, 2015

Good time to write again.

             So, I realize it's been a really long time since I've made my last post ...
                           I mean,

While, I know that I originally created this blog a couple of years ago for my English class, I found my self thinking recently
Why the heck not?

It just feels like a good time to start writing again. I have so many thoughts bumbling around in my head and, like I said, it's been a long time so a lot has happened in my life in two years.

Question is... where do I start?

Well, I suppose the most obvious place to start is right now, here in my present moment.

I'm in love.

Not just the dreamy kind of love, where you pick a flower and hope somehow that by pulling off the petals you'll find out if your feelings are reciprocal, either.
I've been in this relationship for a little over nine months now and we are very much in love.
It's the heart pounding inside of your chest kind.
The you forget to breath kind.
The whole world slows down a little when you think about them kind of love.
It's a tough love, where we can challenge each other with the truth kind of love.
It's the even get mad and yell once in a blue moon kind
but still stubbornly stick though it and talk and figure it out kind.
It's the committed kind of love.
Talks of getting married kind of love and living life
and living out our callings in life together kind of love.
It's also the kind of love that is hard to share with others
because they can't see our relationship very easily.

Unfortunately, ours is a long distance kind of relationship.
This means that even though we have quite a few large miles between us and a two hour time difference, we decided that the feelings we had for one another were worth fostering and exploring a bit farther.
It means we have had to be creative in furthering our relationship. We rely a lot on technology to help us feel close.

This includes Skype visits, hours upon hours at a time... when the service is working, Avocado the couple's messaging app sharing lots and lots of pictures/videos/adorable emoticons,tons of text messaging and cell phone calls, hours upon hours in total.

Let me back up a minute here to interject for a moment to clarify some possible questions one might have at this point. Yes, I have met this guy in person. No, it was not though social media. Yes, we have mutual friends who know us both. Yes, in fact, we met through one of our closest friends who are a married couple. And yes, believe me, I made sure to pick their brain about the guy before I ever signed up for a relationship of this nature.

His family is in the same town as mine and even though we grew up in the same, fairly large city, our families went to the same church growing up.
You could say we were raised with the same values. So we have a lot in common. We're both pretty convinced that our families are going to accept the other and ... ... ... ... ... that's just it isn't it?

I'm afraid of what might happen if my family doesn't accept him.
I'm afraid of what they will do if they don't approve of him to be with me.
And I don't know quite what to do with that idea. That seems to be one of the ideas that is holding me back at the moment.

however, I happen to be feeling very sleepy at this particular moment. Perhaps, this is a good spot to pause
take a break
and come back later on

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Microacressiveness, It's Not Okay.

  Microagression, not every one is aware of it. Once they learn of it though, they definitely begin to wonder if they've ever participated in it. What is microagression? Perfect example is the seemingly innocent comments made to or about some one, who is not a member of your own background, biased on a previously conceived idea about that individual's background. Much of the time, the person participating in microagression has no idea they are doing so because of how subtle they can be. Unfortunately, there is more than one classification of microagression. In fact, there are three kinds of them.
     The first kinds are referred to as microassults. These are the most vicious kinds of microagressions. These are the ones that are intentional and conscious. They take form in an overbearing parent who won't allow their children to date outside of their race. The blatant wearing of swastikas or other supremest groups symbolism. The use of racial slurs or derogatory language referring to one's race. (You know, like the name calling that isn't politically correct.)
    The second kinds are called microinsults. This kind is not as blatantly obvious as microassults. These are the situations in which the communications are verbal, nonverbal, and environmental. These communications, subtle as they may be, manage to be rude, insensitive and demeaning to a person's racial heritage or identity.
    Finally, the third kinds are known as microinvalidations. These are the microagressions that seem to be, at least to me that is, the most unintended kinds. They are the communications that subtly exclude the thoughts, feelings or personal experiences of a person.
In short, please try to be aware of how your words may come across to other people, because you, yes you, may be participating in these kinds of microagressions too.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

            I'm an artist. For me, creating things is the best way to express my thoughts and imagination. When I first started my college career, I quickly realized that if I could make art everyday for the rest of my life, I would be happy. For me, making art is not just making pretty pictures to entertain the observer. No. It's much more than that. 

           Actually, art making is a very rhetorical process where lines, color, shape and form become the words that convey a well thought out message. In my art class this semester, professor Marisol Rendon is always encouraging us to wonder. This kind of wondering is our way of thinking academically about the world around us and how we can express our thoughts back to the world. 

          The last assignment she gave us, she wanted us to find a natural phenomenon or occurrence that we could learn about as our reference to make our art piece. After some research, checking out a book from the library, wondering and dreaming, I chose to refer to the cochela, or the inner ear. I was fascinated by the idea that something so small is responsible for our hearing and our balance. I decided to recreate this with felt, sewing, pipe cleaners and paper napkins on a canvas. I call it, How We Hear. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Sleepy Day Starts Rolling

Today, I feel tired. I'm glad I'm finally finished with my huge art project. I seriously think I lost some sleep over that thing. I mean, who wouldn't have? I was working late, getting up early with only a couple of hours of sleep, going to school and working on my art project. Did I mention how BIG my project was?? Let's just say it's about 6 foot tall, 8 foot wide, 8 foot long cardboard reconstruction of an origami. No one know's it's suppose to be an origami. You can walk inside of the thing, it's kind of amazing. I painted on the inside to. Now I just keep thinking, How can I make it better, and Why don't people go in there, How can I make them want to go in there? Is it intimidating? I don't get it.

Anyhow, I'm here now, just trying out this new blogger. Hopefully I'll be able to use it for a good while to come after it's had its run for my English 115 class.

I think maybe I'll go eat my grapefruit before my art class. Sounds like a nice plan. I'll get some water before I go too. A cup of ice is only 10 cents, makes for a good cold glass of water.