Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Microacressiveness, It's Not Okay.

  Microagression, not every one is aware of it. Once they learn of it though, they definitely begin to wonder if they've ever participated in it. What is microagression? Perfect example is the seemingly innocent comments made to or about some one, who is not a member of your own background, biased on a previously conceived idea about that individual's background. Much of the time, the person participating in microagression has no idea they are doing so because of how subtle they can be. Unfortunately, there is more than one classification of microagression. In fact, there are three kinds of them.
     The first kinds are referred to as microassults. These are the most vicious kinds of microagressions. These are the ones that are intentional and conscious. They take form in an overbearing parent who won't allow their children to date outside of their race. The blatant wearing of swastikas or other supremest groups symbolism. The use of racial slurs or derogatory language referring to one's race. (You know, like the name calling that isn't politically correct.)
    The second kinds are called microinsults. This kind is not as blatantly obvious as microassults. These are the situations in which the communications are verbal, nonverbal, and environmental. These communications, subtle as they may be, manage to be rude, insensitive and demeaning to a person's racial heritage or identity.
    Finally, the third kinds are known as microinvalidations. These are the microagressions that seem to be, at least to me that is, the most unintended kinds. They are the communications that subtly exclude the thoughts, feelings or personal experiences of a person.
In short, please try to be aware of how your words may come across to other people, because you, yes you, may be participating in these kinds of microagressions too.

1 comment:

  1. Microaggressions are something that happens in everyday life but not everybody notices so I like the fact that you addressed this topic. I also love the examples that you used throughout this blog post. Also, I really liked the fact that you listed and defined the three types of microaggressions because I didn’t know that there were three types so I learned something new. You should check out this blog post:
